by Kim Torquato, High School Biology Teacher and Program Director
Every year, Stone Hill Learning Center hosts their annual Science Fair. This highly anticipated event (one of my personal favorites!) is open to middle and high school aged students.
Work began all the way back in January, as Mrs. Gilleland (Middle School Science) and I taught our students about the scientific method. Work continued throughout the semester, experiments were conducted, and some surprising conclusions were drawn! After class presentations and friends and family exhibition fair last week, we are excited to announce your Stone Hill Learning Center 2018-2019 Science Fair winners!
1st Place: Madeleine G. for her project, "What type of bird seed and feeder do birds prefer?"
2nd Place: Dinos A. for his project "Happy Tails"
3rd Place: Evie K. for her project, "Does vinegar kill bacteria?" and Timothy M. for his project, "Truth or Lie?"

1st Place: Ian G. for his project, "What is the most aerodynamic car shape?"
2nd Place: Anna D. for her project, "Prime Real Estate Rhymes"
3rd Place: Samuel S. for his project, "How does the air pressure in a soccer ball affect the distance it travels?" and Matthew M. for his project, "Does the length of the barrel impact the accuracy of a potato cannon?"

Congratulations to all science fair participants- you all did a marvelous job! Special thanks to our judges and Mrs. Gilleland for all their hard work. Family and friends, head over to mySHLC for additional science fair photo downloads.
Talk to you soon,
Mrs. Torquato
The opinions expressed in this post are the sole view of the writer and do not reflect the opinion of Stone Hill Learning Center or Stone Hill Church.