Middle School students explore disciplines in greater depth and with more refined skills. Independent learning is encouraged as students hone their study skills in preparation for high school. These classes have weekly reading and writing assignments, long-term projects, and more frequent exams. Classes require the purchase of textbooks and supplementary materials.
Science Explorers (6th to 8th graders)
Tuesdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Students are encouraged to ask the “why” and “how” of science through in-class demonstrations, labs, and independent projects. The class is divided into two units: a life science unit and a physical science unit. This year we will use HMH’s Science Fusion Cells and Heredity, and Science Fusion Our Ever Changing Earth. Weekly homework assignments, current events, quizzes, and unit tests will be required.
Instructor: Rani Walter
American History, Part 2 (6th to 8th graders)
Tuesdays, 12:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Middle School students will explore the history of America beginning with the late 1800’s through the present. Using “America the Beautiful” by Notgrass History, students will work with a variety of activities including review questions, tests, and mapping. Lessons will highlight key events, people and places and will utilize historical documents, biographies, landmarks, crafts, recipes, and more to take students on an exciting chronological study of life in America following the Civil War through the present times. Please note: completion of American History, Part 1 is not required; new students are welcome to join! Instructor: Joanna Giunta
Middle School Math Mania (Students working towards pre-algebra)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Math Mania is a new course offering that brings your student a mix of fun and important math concepts. We will be learning vital concepts about decimal placement, percents, graph making, and more! We will be using Math-U-See Zeta Level as our core, and add on or subtract as needed. This will be entirely supplemental with no homework, except an occasional charting concept and/or baking assignment (bonus). We will also review fractions and how they relate to decimals, with the use of manipulative and other hands-on learning tools. Students, don't fret- we will certainly not be doing math for 2 hours. The 2nd part of class will be spent learning and playing strategic games that all use math and logic techniques. We will learn a new game and then spend a few weeks learning how to play strategically and find "back-door" methods to earning points. Your child will be hooked, and zero electronics here! Instructor: Lisa Dennison
Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Students will engage pre-algebra mathematics with Saxon Algebra 1/2, 3rd edition, by reviewing and expanding the fundamental mathematics concepts of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents. New topics will explore properties of real numbers, solving linear equations, geometry, graphing, and an introduction to polynomials. Examples of algebra in action will be shared. In addition, math-related current events may be assigned, with students presenting their findings to the class. Periodic quizzes and cumulative tests will be given. A pre-algebra readiness test is strongly suggested. Instructor: Lisa Dennison
Algebra I
Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Students explore algebra 1 with Saxon Algebra 1, including signed numbers, exponents, two equations with two unknowns, graphing equations, scientific notation, ratio, percent, and unit conversions. Basic geometry topics include perimeter, area, volume, English to metric conversion, and surface area. Class time encompasses instruction of lessons and application of principles through sample problems. In addition, math-related current events may be assigned with students presenting their findings to peers. Each week students are assigned problems sets from the lessons. Quizzes and cumulative tests are given periodically. Placement test required. Instructor: Rani Walter
Intermediate Art (6th to 8th graders)
Wednesdays, 12:45 pm – 3:25 pm
Students will be guided on a path towards developing their imagination while being engaged with different art mediums and projects to provide hands-on learning to develop their divergent thinking skills. This class will develop a strong foundation of drawing skills like gridding, linear perspective, and proportion. Students will learn that the fundamentals of successful drawing lie not only in technical skills but also in the ability to think outside the box and unlock the power of their imagination. Students will be developing their understanding of design principles and concepts, as they are introduced to a variety of artists' works and styles. (This art class does not repeat the previous year’s projects.) Instructor: Patricia Storey
Middle School Spanish (6th to 8th graders)
Thursdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Students will continue to learn the basics of the Spanish language through listening, speaking, writing, games, history, and cultural traditions. Class curriculum will continue with the Difusion's Gente Joven series, a textbook series developed specifically to appeal to middle and high school students.
Instructor: Brenda Rodriguez
IEW Ancient History (5th to 7th graders)
Thursdays, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Experience the adventures of the ancient world! This theme-based writing curriculum exposes students to the ancient world through cultural literature and the study of famous places and events while they learn to write with the Structure and Style®️ writing method. These lessons cover all nine IEW Units and includes vocabulary cards. Instructor: Denise Troxel
IEW Narnia (6th to 8th graders)
Thursdays, 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm
Using the IEW Structure and Style writing method, students will work on their writing skills while exploring Narnia in the first three books of C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia series. Weekly classes will be spent introducing composition concepts, grammar, and stylistic techniques. In and out of class, students will read, discuss and analyze the Narnia texts. Students also will be responsible for completing weekly reading and writing assignments. Instructor: Denise Troxel