Please take the time to read and discuss the entire Stone Hill Learning Center Code of Conduct (below) with your student. Every student must sign the Code of Conduct (either electronically or in print) before beginning classes. Students in grades K-2nd must complete the Junior Version. Please contact us with any questions!
As a member of the Stone Hill Learning Center community, I commit myself to following priorities:
Appropriate Speech: I agree to use wholesome, truthful, and constructive speech. I will, in turn, avoid gossip, offensive words and gestures, as well as all unkind and inappropriate communication. The goal of my communication will be to build others up.
Respect for Others: I will treat the SHLC teachers and students with respect. In the case of SHLCteacher, I will recognize their position of leadership and maintain a good attitude about my role as student. In the case of my fellow SHLC students, I will recognize the value of each person as an image-bearer of God. I will avoid disruptive actions and speech so that my fellow students can benefit to the fullest extent from their SHLC studies.
Responsible Stewardship: I understand the difference between community and private property. When I am using community property, I will take care of it, knowing others will use it after me. I will not use another’s private property without that person’s permission.
Affirming Encouragement: My relationships with the other students and staff at SHLC will be characterized by a positive and caring attitude. I will express my opinions without demands, complaints, and criticism. I will not respond to conflict with physical or verbal attacks.
Safety Consciousness: In my dealings with others, I commit myself to protecting them from damage to body or soul. I will also act so as to promote my own health and safety.
Accountability: I understand that I am part of a group. What I do affects how people look at the Stone Hill Learning Center and homeschooling. I will accept the oversight of SHLC leaders, and place myself under their guidance. I am willing to be accountable for my actions at SHLC and lovingly to hold others accountable for their actions. This includes adhering to the usage procedures set by Westerly Road Church.
Reconciliation and Restitution: In the event I violate any part of the SHLC code of conduct, I will admit my wrongdoing, seek forgiveness, make adequate restitution, and pursue reconciliation until it is fully accomplished.
Gratitude: I will maintain an attitude of thankfulness and humility, recognizing that learning, working and growing in community is a trust and a privilege.